Deep Thoughts

A College Student’s Fear

Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only college student who fears her future. I get good grades in my classes, I understand what I’m learning, and I’m on track to graduate early, but does that even matter in the big scheme of things? I look at my friends and some of them have amazing internships where they’re getting paid, one of my friends is even receiving a salary already, and I’m still interning at a small local office for free. I tell myself it’s not about the money, I like where I intern and I’m continuously learning new valuable things, but I’m afraid I’m setting myself up for failure. Shouldn’t I be going after the big internships? Places where I can start marketing for the big dog companies, a place that can open doors for me when I graduate? Or am I exactly where I belong, learning the little things before I throw myself into an ocean where I might drown because I wasn’t prepared?

I don’t know if these are everyones fears or just my own. At first I thought that as I got closer to graduating my fears would shrink, but I only feel them growing. People tell me I’m doing good, they remind me how impressed they are at my successes, but how do I know when I’m good enough?

Maybe it’s just an endless learning and growing cycle, maybe I’ll never feel ready. In some twisted way I really hope that that’s the reality. I hope that when I’m 35 and have a successful career I’ll still be thinking that it’s not good enough. I think that fear and hunger for more will be what drives me to success. 

2 thoughts on “A College Student’s Fear

  1. Well written! Yeah the fear is what drives us forward! Even if you’re working for free, you’re gaining knowledge, which will certainly help you more in the future than any stipend.

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